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Haben Chris Travers 0037-LoRez-WebSize-Uncropped

Chris Travers.
Regional Asset Manager

With over 20 years of experience in the property and retail sectors, Chris has held strategic and operational roles at QIC, Stockland, and Pacific Smiles Group, across Asset Management and Development.

Chris successfully led two major redevelopments while at Stockland, including a transformative $425 million project at Green Hills, which has been a game changer for the Hunter region, and another significant redevelopment in Cairns.

As Regional Asset Manager at Haben, Chris oversees all aspects of property management, ensuring the highest standards of operational excellence. Passionate about the people side of his role, Chris is committed to leading, coaching, and mentoring others, helping them to develop and thrive in their careers.

Before embarking on his career in property, Chris was a professional golfer for 17 years, competing in Canada, Asia, Korea, and Australia.

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