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Townsville Hero shot

Townsville Shopping Centre.

Townsville Shopping Centre is located 10 kilometres from the CBD and is the dominant shopping centre in the region, comprising 44,930 sqm GLA with 35 tenants unique to Townsville. The tenancy mix includes Myer, Woolworths, Big W, six mini majors, 128 speciality stores and 21 kiosks. The Centre is predominantly single level with internal malls linking to the major tenants that anchor each corner of the Centre.

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Townsville Shopping Centre is within the suburb of Aitkenvale, centrally located within the Townsville urban area. The shopping centre is situated on a landmark 9.9-hectare site at the corner of the major intersection of Bruce Highway and Ross River Road, which experiences 12 million vehicle movements per annum. The Centre represents the only major regional shopping centre in the Total Trade Area, serving over 236,422 people.