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Forest Hill Chase.

Forest Hill Chase is located in the established eastern suburbs of Melbourne. It is anchored by six major retailers including Woolworths, Coles, Aldi, Target, Harris Scarfe and Hoyts.  Additionally, it comprises of eight mini majors and over 130 specialties.  The centre spans across three levels and offers the largest entertainment and dining precinct in the trade area.

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Forest Hill Chase is situated on Canterbury Road, a major arterial road through the eastern suburbs of Melbourne, linking the inner eastern suburbs to the outer eastern fringe at the western foot of the Dandenong Ranges. The centre’s prime position benefits from 31,000 daily passing vehicles, equating to 11.3 million vehicles annually and an established  and diverse population base.

Tenants by Category

(by gross rent)

  • Majors 23%
  • Mini Majors 23%
  • Specialities 54%

Specialty Tenants by Category

(by gross rent)

  • Food 15%
  • Apparel 8%
  • General Retail 3%
  • Retail Services 12%
  • Medical & Pharmacy 6%
  • Other Retail 11%

Make an Enquiry

Email info@haben.com.au
Phone (02) 9302 5900