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Haben believes that environmental, social and governance criteria (ESG) are critical for sustainable, socially responsible investing now and into the future.

We are committed to ESG strategies across the business – from Head Office through to our property investments – a key focus is to assess and review ESG risks and pursue ESG opportunities.

Here is a snapshot of current key initiatives that help improve environmental and social outcomes for our assets and business.:

Solar Panels

Three of our assets have owned and managed solar onsite with an additional two assets using solar power through a microgrid. For our remaining assets, we are conducting feasibility assessments to install solar.

Smart Metering

We are monitoring our meters and billing for our energy and gas usage. This provides us with 5-minute interval reporting on our energy use to monitor, report and action.

EV Charging

Eight of our assets have EV charging points installed with a total of 23 charging points, with plans to install further chargers for our customers.


Our leadership team is 40% female and many actively participate in external committees focused on community development.

NABERS Energy and Water

We have commenced a portfolio review of our assets with the view to have ratings lodged in the coming months. Our newest acquisition Forest Hill Chase will be reviewed for NABERS compliance in FY24.

Industry Engagement

We are proud members of the Property Council of Australia with two participants in the 500 Women in Property mentoring program.

Community Engagement

Our centres proactively engage with their diverse local communities through walking groups, senior and school holiday programs, fundraising and cultural days of significance such as NAIDOC & Lunar New Year.